After basking in Psychology courses and then psyching myself out with my BA degree, I've learned to listen to others with the other's view in mind, realizing they may be speaking "red" and I'm hearing "orange" or "yellow", depending on the "color of my glasses" i.e. my life's experiences past, present, and future, mentally, emotionally, physically, etc. you get the picture. This has helped me to interrupt less and listen more. I no longer feel I have to respond to everything said in a conversation because I realize we've all "been there" (somewhere) and "done that" (some thing). Your there and that may not have been the same as mine in any way, shape or form, or maybe we went through the same tunnel or roller coaster ride the same time and even together, but we will each come away describing it differently because of who we are, from where we've come, and how it has affected us. Also, where we're going.
Another thought is coming to me that has caused people for so many years to distrust or mistrust the Holy Bible - the Scriptures and especially the New Testament four gospels - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. While in college I took a couple of courses in Religion. Being brought up in the church my mom thought it would be a cinch for me, and so did I. Well, I made a "D" at UVA and that's not passing, okay? And we wondered what was the problem. Well, my background did not prepare me for the presentation of religion and the gospels through that mammoth and famous institution. Also it was taught by a cynic who didn't believe a word of it, so I had a closed mind - not on purpose mind you, but because I was taught things another way and had never experienced anyone teaching the Bible who didn't believe it. whew!! I went to this professor and we talked several times, he would chuckle with his cigar smoking in his hand. I was scared, so he had pity on me and gave me a "D". I told him "thank you" and I, walking out of his office said, "Thank you Jesus!!!" Because even though a D is not passing, it carries a better gpa on your transcript than an "F". So I did get some points.
You see, each of the Gospels was written by a different man (a doctor, a tax collector, a fisherman, a writer) who hung out with Jesus the same amount of time, on the boat in a storm, feeding the 5000, healing a bleeding woman, turning water into wine, etc. Some of you may know about this man named Jesus (with Whom I'm so in love) so I won't try to give His entire story in this short blog. But because these apostles reported some of the same events but differently, people have tried to discount the events and even the existence of Jesus as a reality. Just because somebody didn't get the story "straight?" i.e. all the same word for word, etc.? Do you find that you recount events the exact same way as anyone else? I don't. Some of us are detail oriented and don't like to leave out a dust speck. Others of us just like the facts madame. And still others just want a short synopsis or "just tell me the end of the story - does he get the girl or not?" All counts are still right, it just depends on the person who witnessed it, reported it and then the one who's receiving it - all these variables (and more) affect how it is received. SEE what I'm SAYING?
My next experience with a university religion course was about 11 years later and you got it, I was nervous as heck. I had to pray and search my heart and mind to release myself from my past experience, and enter this one with a new outlook. This time the professor was the chaplain of the university so she was (is) a "believer", yet she believed differently than I did,
however we had more in common than not and enjoyed each other's company, views and sought each other out often for projects, and to help students with their spiritual search. Suffice it to say I was 11 years older, armed with some more life experiences, and I was now a minister/preacher. Yet, that could have closed my mind, but instead this time it didn't. Why not? I was no longer afraid to hear and be exposed to the views and understanding from others of "Who" God is, and how they came to meet Him and know Him, and Who they believe Him to be, etc.
The first time around "fear" was smeared all over my glasses and thus prevented me from comprehending what was being said. Also offense. I was offended that a professor would teach something he didn't like and didn't believe in and laugh in the faces of those who did, yet make a living from it, allowing his views to decide whether or not our answers were correct. This hurt me (and some other students), for I saw that someone like me didn't stand a chance in that atmosphere (a snowball's chance in a pot of boiling water!). (Another topic I've been confronted with since being in France is "Can "unbelievers" of Jesus Christ and believers of other religions sing Gospel music?" You may be surprised by my answer, so don't think you know it. LOL That's a topic for another time, maybe. :-0)
See, how we sea (pun intended) the world decides how we will hear each other, and whether or not we will enter each other's worlds. (Oh Flipper please Free Willy!) We can keep our glasses on and continue blocking each other out, and thus missing each other's hearts. Or we can take them off and open ourselves up to one another. This doesn't mean I will swallow everything you say nor agree with it, nor change my views whether they be religious, political, etc. You SEE what I'm SAYING? But it does mean I will value you as a person, and maybe as a new friend. I will respect your views and your life experiences. When you speak I won't decide that you are right or wrong on gray matter issues. You have a right to be wrong, really! LOL!!! hahahah. I just love that line and I wrote a song about it which says "Everybody has the right to be wrong". One day you'll hear it on a platinum-gold record. (Is there such a thing?)
So the next time you find yourself meeting new people, or just dealing with the old ones in your life, look at them in a different way, so you can hear what their heart is trying to say. This is how we're going to heal our relationships, families, our neighborhoods, communities, our cities, states, countries, and the world because we are ALL people. The government is made up of PEOPLE, not machines and computers. King David in one of his prayers to the Lord said ". . . let the nations know that they are only human." (Psalm 9:20) (NRSV) When we take off our limited earthly view glasses smeared with fear, doubt and unbelief, we will be able to SEE what the Lord our Creator is SAYING from His heart to and for us - the people for whom He sent His Son, Jesus the Christ to die.
Oh, and the next time we see each other - take off your glasses so you can hear what I'm saying. :-) Peace!
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