I sent this message to most if not all of my friends and family this past week and received a great response to it, even the final push-me-over-the-cliff-and-do-it shove I needed to begin this blog from a good friend, Geni. Thanks girl! And thanks Karen for showing me how to do this. One day I'm going to give Bill Gates a run for his money I'll be so computer savvy!!! That's why we call them dreams people. LOL! Before I repost the message I just want to preface it (which makes it revised, along with some other minor corrections and comments) with something another sister lovingly reminded me of and that is most storms ARE natural. I did not mean to imply if I did, that there is a demon or devil in every storm. Pas du tout. God has given us authority over the elements (as we see Jesus demonstrate when He spoke to the storm to chill) as well as unclean spirits. I was making a point or the point, or just my point that in certain scary situations, now that I know who I am in the Kingdom of God, I have become more aware when the enemy is in the wind trying to bring destruction against me and those in my immediate surroundings. J'espere c'est plus claire! LOL! I appreciate all criticisms, but please take it easy on me and put some chocolate with it or even a good merlot. Makes it easier to swallow. Loving you and enjoy the message, encore.
Hi Friends and family. I'm watching the news on CNN at 4pm today and am saddened at the deaths of those young children in Barcelona due to strong winds and storms blowing a building down upon them, where they sought refuge from the storm. My. Yesterday I traveled to Epone Meziers (don't you just love the way I seemingly change topics that seem to not be related? I love writing like that to keep you on your toes and because it's fun. Anyhooo.) waaaayyyyyyy outside of Paris on the messed up line E. (It's not an RER Line. Somebody needs to tell them.) :-)
After getting off the train passengers must climb stairs to a platform to go left or right above the trains passing below. Well yesterday as I did so, the wind began picking up speed and I felt it was trying, yes trying to sweep me over the edge, or blow me down the stairs. This is not the first time I've encountered this. As I walked across the platform approaching the down stair case, I rebuked the wind and said "no one will be blown down and injured in Jesus' name" and the wind immediately stopped blowing. I knew it was the prince of the power of the air looking for a moment to "naturally" take me and others out. Friends, family, let's be aware of our natural surroundings and stop thinking it's all normal. It's not all normal. The enemy is real and he is a spirit. He plans to take us out Christian and sinner alike by any means necessary. As long as we refuse, or neglect to make the connection he will continue his destruction in the earth unchallenged. Many prophets and ministers pay attention to hurricanes and tsunamis, etc. like weather prognosticators and they realize the spiritual connection to the weather. I regret to say that most of us people of color, ahem yes that would be us Black people, we tend to ignore what we don't understand or think is ludicrous for whatever our historical reasons may be, until we get seriously hit by something like Katrina. But still we don't deal with it BEFORE it hits. That's where we've missed it for so long. We are a praying race of people, but we for many years have been praying repetitiously/repetitively (you can choose which one you can pronounce easiest, both are in the dictionary) or by sight, and not by the Holy Spirit inside our Spirit.
I began watching the wind in/around 1996 when my health began to spiral. I would be walking around the track everyday for exercise - four seasons a year (oh, that's right there are only four. anyhooo) and would notice I would get agitated at the wind blowing extra hard to stop my progress. Sometimes I would rebuke the wind and it would cease, but I didn't want to keep doing that for the wind is a natural God-created element. It did however start a dialog between me and the Lord for I asked Him "how can we know when the winds that are blowing against us are YOU stopping us from going forward with something or in a certain direction, and when it's the Enemy trying to stop us from walking by faith through the 'storm'?" This dialog continues for I still have not received an answer yet, or if I have I've not recognized it yet to say "this is the answer". So if you have any insight or revelation from the Lord in this area, please by all means share it with me/us. (At this blog would be a great place. Thanks!) Back to the first part.
I just want us - especially myself - to take our heads out of the sand concerning so many things we've just for so long didn't want to be guilty of over-spiritualizing. Hmmm, didn't the enemy trick a bunch of us with our education, degrees, and practical application of lofty things? He loves it when he can roar incognito thru our intellectual ranks and just continue to snow us over. Also, I along with thousands of others have received an important word from Chuck Pierce, an American minister and prophet. I've watched Chuck for a few years now and I do appreciate the word through him most of the time. The latest he sent regarding a spirit assigned to President Obama for the destruction of America resounds with me. It has nothing to do with his race, family or upbringing so let's get off of that for a minute because satan and demons are equal opportunity spirits. (I only capitalize his name at the beginning of a sentence. Just fyi. He's not capital material mid-sentence, in my opinion, in my world. LOL) They're more diplomatic and democratic than we are for they will employ anyone to get the job done.
We on the other hand have racial and gender issues. Let's get over it folks. It's old. Yes it was time for a change and Obama is the man for this change, but we must now focus on the spiritual assignment not just against the man, but against our country. NO person - male or female, black or white or whatever, could keep these spirits from doing what they're going to do without knowledge and help. They've been there all the time folks just waiting for the right MOMENT when we - the bodies (in The Body) are disunited and fighting each other. We give them a portal. (read Frank Peretti's novels - "This Present Darkness" and the other one for a graphic picture of what it could look like in the spirit realm. Really helped me.)
President Obama did not birth them no more than you or I birthed the spirits that were assigned against us and our families. NOW, we all need to deal with our family lineages and close these doors people and our president needs our prayers and coverings in this as well. He's a human being and a soul Jesus died for so let's really let the Lord deal with our hidden hypocrisy and racism and pray for the spiritual part of their
lives too. They don't need praying people praying amiss, but those who love their souls and will intercede to close all spiritual doors against their lineage. They are multi-ethnical so there is the African, Irish and American cultures that must be dealt with in his family. You know the prayers you're praying for yours so you know how to pray for his too. :-) Wisdom through experience begets greater ops and responsibilities. "Oh I have white friends, black friends, etc." Hog wash and ahem, sorry folks; But when we speak the truth in love to each other, first to ourselves about ourselves, and in the presence of the HOly Spirit, then we're ready to be delivered and become real (authentic) people. I love you too much to either keep pretending or acting like we haven't stepped in dog do when something doesn't smell right. (Easy to do in Paris. Ooh that's for another blog story. LOL!!) For those of you who know me and are getting to know me, you know I am who I am, even when I keep my mouth shut. LOL!!! I cannot stand an atmosphere of pretense among people. I will either leave, or do or say something to stir the bees' nest and when everybody gets stung, then we all see the same color - red, and we reach out to help each other, and our concern especially grows for those who are allergic. We forget our stinger problems and rush to the rescue of another. That's what we want, because that's what Christ is all about. A change had to come and it has, but it must begin in the people of God (for we are the change agents of the earth.) so this change will truly be the one that ushers in God's purpose and dreams for our country, and peoples around the world. Let's stop being selfish about OUR country. It's God's America and He will be doggone if He allows our race issues to box in His glory. He has hit our bees nest and said "how you like ME now?" and "now whatcha gonna do?" Amen? Amen.
So what's in the wind? Well, if we allow the Holy Spirit to pray through us in all things, positive change is in the wind (natural and spiritual) and less destruction (natural and spiritual). Jesus spoke to the wind and it obeyed Him. He lives inside me and when I spoke to the wind, it obeyed HIM! (Some said the wind obeyed me. I really don't care for He's in me. All I know is it stopped blowing.) For I focused on preserving life, not taking it. Also there's a message in the natural wind about the spiritual winds blowing in your life. Don't get blown away by either.
Loving you and enjoy your week. If you did not receive the vision through Chuck Pierce's ministry and would like to read it, just let me know, I will send it to you, but not for criticisms. Just for praying. We don't need no more hot air out there that cannot be used to heat Russia!! LOL Seriously. Peace!!
Jean!!! I'm so glad you finally have this blog up and running!!! Vrooom - you are off like a flash!! Yea!!!